Thursday, June 23, 2011


My mother in law gave me some fresh blueberries recently and I haven't really done anything with them. Last night I was on foodgawker and found this really yummy recipe for blueberry lemonade. It seems really easy and quick to do, so as soon as I'm finished here I'm going to go make it. I'll post the recipe now and tell you how it went later.

Blueberry Lemonade

1 cup blueberries
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/3 cup sugar
3 cup water

Place blueberries in medium sauce pan and pour in just enough water to cover the bottom. Bring to a boil then remove from heat. Mash the berries with a potato masher and strain liquid into pitcher. Discard solids. Stir in lemon juice and sugar until sugar is dissolved, then add water. Chill and serve over ice. Garnish with 2 or 3 blueberries and a lemon slice if desired.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Microwave Potato Chips!!!

So a few days ago I got hit with a wicked craving for potato chips, and had none. I cannot convey to you the disappointing, soul-shattering, "my life just hit rock bottom" feeling a pregnant woman gets when the food that she craves is nowhere to be found. So instead of moping about it, I went to the kitchen and made me some damn tader chips. I was a bit hesitant at first - temperatures have been reaching the 100s lately and I did not want to fire up the oven in the middle of the day. I had myself in a puzzle, then when I turned around it hit me. Microwave! It was worth it if I got my chips and the AC didn't suffer so this is what I did.

Microwave Potato Chips

1 Medium Potato makes about 1 serving
Olive oil (enough just to moisten potatoes)
Seasoning of your choice (I used garlic and onion powder)
Cooking spray

Wash and slice potato into thin slices, almost translucent. Place slices in a bowl and put just enough oil to moisten potatoes. Add spices to taste and toss until potatoes are fully coated. Coat microwaveable plate with cooking spray then arrange slices in one layer (not overlapping) on plate. Microwave on high for 2 minutes, flip chips, then an additional 2 minutes. Watch chips for browning around edges. When chips start to brown, take them off the microwaved plate and place on a cool plate. Chips will harden as they cool. If all chips have not browned, microwave at 2 minute intervals or until they brown. Watch the chips to prevent scorching.

I had pictures, but my phone is a bit cranky at the moment. Perhaps later when it is finished with its bitch fit I can post them too. They were super tasty though, and it interesting what flavors you can get out of them. I also forgot to mention - they are way healthier than their fried cousins. One weird fact about me is that I'm slightly allergic to foods that has been fried. Kinda sucks when you live in the south. An upset stomach is definitely worth a fired Oreo though...dammit, now I want fried Oreo. :(

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


So I decided to cook dinner for my other half yesterday night, and I must say, I should have known better. My mother has a small garden and we are over-run with zucchini and yellow squash so I have been trying different ways to prepare them. I think I had a good idea last night but it just fell through. I attempted to bake seasoned squash sliced on a bed of onion and garlic and made croûtons (sorta) to put the bake on. Well...needless to say the squash dried out and the onion and garlic looked untouched to I put them in a frying pan with a bit of olive oil and seared them. As for the croûtons, I thought I could be lazy and make them on the stove top. They came out oily :(. The end result wasn't a complete disaster, but wasn't the brightest thing I could have thought of. Next time maybe I'll remember to take pictures, it looked alright at least.